Play Interesting Game Online Mind Reader Puzzle

Get bored in surfing internet want to have some fun in playing interesting games online, want to play shocking games online, want to play some silly games online so try this Mind Reader Puzzle game you will definitely get shocked by playing it.
Follow the below steps for How to play Mind reader puzzle
Step 1: Pick any two-digit number.
Step 2: Add the two digits of your number together. For example, if you picked 37 then add 3 + 7 to get 10.
Step 3: Take your original number, and subtract from it the number you got in step two. For this example, 37 - 10 would give you your ending number!
Step 4: Now, find your ending number below, and concentrate on the symbol next to your number. I'll pick up on your vibrations, and read your mind.
Step 5: Click inside the circle, and I will display your symbol in the circle!

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